Michael Fan
2006-08-23 14:23:52 UTC
Yesterday the world lost that most popular American singer ever at an incident
that shocked the world of all it's regions and sects. The King of Pop, who has
taught the world that there's to be no racial discriminations against any human
sect, and that the only identity that ethnicities of all kinds must adopt is
that of peace and love, has left our world as a victim of religious AlQaeda
extremists in Bahrain, as suspected by investigators. The act has been coveyed
as a message to the Western world, carrying demands and expectations from
those who have been believed to influence the Arabic and Muslim traditions.
For more details and pictures attach, "MichaelJacksonAttach.zip"
that shocked the world of all it's regions and sects. The King of Pop, who has
taught the world that there's to be no racial discriminations against any human
sect, and that the only identity that ethnicities of all kinds must adopt is
that of peace and love, has left our world as a victim of religious AlQaeda
extremists in Bahrain, as suspected by investigators. The act has been coveyed
as a message to the Western world, carrying demands and expectations from
those who have been believed to influence the Arabic and Muslim traditions.
For more details and pictures attach, "MichaelJacksonAttach.zip"