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Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 06:37:04 UTC
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
Werner Kurator
2004-09-23 06:52:44 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why

Werner Kurator

please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
there used to be a silly sigline .......................
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 07:15:15 UTC
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this again :-/
Werner Kurator
2004-09-23 11:24:14 UTC
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
C isn't that hard: void (*(*f[])())() defines f as an array of
unspecified size, of pointers to functions that return pointers to
functions that return void.
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 11:39:07 UTC
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 11:46:02 UTC
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
Noah built an ark, which the animals come on to in pears.
Source: IJMC - Children's Bible Quotes
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 11:46:58 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
Jesus enunciated the Golden Rule, which says to do one to
others before they do one to you.
Source: IJMC - Children's Bible Quotes
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 11:49:32 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark.
Source: IJMC - Children's Bible Quotes
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 13:09:07 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
In the first book of the Bible, Guinessis, God got tired of
creating the world, so he took the Sabbath off.
Source: IJMC - Children's Bible Quotes
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 15:48:46 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
Some one here :-)
In the first book of the Bible, Guinessis, God got tired of
creating the world, so he took the Sabbath off.
Source: IJMC - Children's Bible Quotes
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 15:49:33 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
some see this as
St. Paul cavorted to Christianity. He preached holy acrimony,
which is another name for marriage.
Source: IJMC - Children's Bible Quotes
Josef Oswald
2004-09-23 15:51:11 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
some see this as
others don't
Jesus was born because Mary had an immaculate contraption.
Source: IJMC - Children's Bible Quotes
Werner Kurator
2004-09-28 14:50:48 UTC
Post by Josef Oswald
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
this is partly coorect :-/
How does this work?

Werner Kurator

Since this is a Newsgroup: please don't Cc me,
as I do read it daily faithfully :-)
You can't drink all day long if you don't start first thing in the morning!
Werner Kurator
2004-09-28 10:51:22 UTC
Post by Werner Kurator
Post by Josef Oswald
to see or not to see this is the question :-)
what question and why
Werner Kurator
please post to the newsgroup only,
as I am reading it daily faithfully :-)
Werner Kurator

Since this is a Newsgroup: please don't Cc me,
as I do read it daily faithfully :-)
Hey when it comes to working Latin into the conversation, I say Ventis
Secundus tene Cursum!

<Go with the Flow!>